Friday, May 01, 2009

My Channel in YouTube...

Any Music lovers out there !!!
Do visit my Channel in YouTube
You may find something interesting...
Do encourage amateurs...!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

my school

Many of us love our schools.... in addition Iam grateful to my school..........Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Pedavegi. It inculcated me not the way to lead a life but the way to relish life. I cannot imagine me without my schooling in JNVP. Many of my school mates concur with my statements.
It's more than an institution.... It's a fraternity.....


This is adi. My friends often say that I am very simple to understand. But the problem is with me........... I am still struggling to find out what's adi (me..) is ? I wish I could find out "the actual me" in near future.... wish me good luck.....